
Strategies, Solutions & Tips
Have you ever wondered what the debit or credit card chip does? That chip is the key to improving card security and reducing in-store payment fraud. EMV payment processing technology was created to add a layer of protection every time you or your patients use a card to make purchases.
Now that you’ve decided to add an EHR and practice management system to your optometry or ophthalmology practice, don’t forget to focus on one of the most critical requirements for a successful outcome—selecting and managing your EHR implementation project team.

Is your eye care practice providing excellent patient care and bringing in positive cash flow? Many businesses struggle to accomplish these goals side by side. It's always one or the other until they learn how to use eye care EHR data mining to drive revenue effectively.

Do you have a security risk analysis plan? Did you designate a compliance officer who keeps up with HIPAA changes? If you answered “no” or “I don’t know” to the previous questions, your eye care practice has room to improve regarding HIPAA compliance.
HIPAA compliance and risk assessments are challenging for many optometry and ophthalmology practices. There is one compliance task you can't do once and then sweep under the rug—and that's to perform a HIPAA security risk assessment or risk analysis regularly for your business.
Managing an environmentally friendly optometry office where hundreds of patients move seamlessly from check-in to check-out each month is much easier when you invest in your business and use an optometry EHR that works as you do. Efficiently managing patient flow impacts staff performance, patient experiences, and revenue growth.
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced people to re-evaluate what they want and need from their jobs. Money is definitely a factor, but eye care staff are increasingly considering things like mental health, child care challenges, and company culture in their decisions about where they will spend their work lives.
In today’s digital world, people don’t need to watch or listen to ads on social media. Many will scroll or fast forward past them. So how do optometry offices attract and sell to new patients? To stay relevant today and engage patients, it’s critical to maintain a strong social media presence.