eye care software Tag

Every eye care practice gets to decide the values, expectations, and atmosphere they want to set for their workplace. These decisions define the work culture that makes your practice unique from the rest when hiring eye care staff. Your new employees will get to decide if they want to be a part of this culture within their first few weeks of starting.
Are you using multiple software programs to view patient ophthalmic images from diagnostic equipment? If yes, consider moving to an ophthalmic image management system that consolidates all the images into one central repository.
There are wide variations in how different EHR and practice management eye care software systems help you capture and view patient data, just like there are differences in how optometrists deliver care to patients.
Every day, Dr. Chet Myers, an independent optometrist in Lihue, Hawaii, goes above and beyond to drive customer retention, promote loyalty, deliver top-notch patient care, and spend time outdoors with his wife and twin 15-year-old sons.
Beginning April 5, 2021, healthcare providers, health IT developers, and health information networks or health information exchanges (all known as “actors”) must comply with the new ONC 21st Century Cures Act Information Blocking Final Rule.