18 Dec 7 Ways E-Prescribing Improves Eye Care Medication Adherence
Not sure if your practice will benefit from using electronic prescribing (e-prescribing or eRx) for managing prescribed medications and helping patients become more informed, engaged, and following through on filling and taking their prescriptions?
In our previous blog, Benefits of Eye Care E-Prescribing and Medication Adherence Tools, we reviewed the advantages of e-prescribing and common reasons patients don’t take their prescribed medication. More than 25% of prescriptions never get picked up by patients.
Below, we’ll focus on how electronic prescribing tools improve patient medication adherence and why your eye care EHR system should offer two-way integrated electronic prescribing solutions.
1. Trigger At-Risk Medication Adherence Alerts
Medication adherence tools trigger at-risk clinical alerts (messages) based on patient demographics, provider specialty, and/or medications prescribed in the e-Prescribing workflow. These alerts identify that a patient is not taking the medication properly.
2. Identify Patients Who Need Medication Adherence Support
In MaximEyes EHR, the PatientAdvisor medication adherence tools help doctors identify patients who need adherence support. Once you launch the electronic prescribing application, the medication adherence toolbar automatically loads within the patient’s EHR exam record.
Patient adherence scorecards provide an overview of the patient’s medication adherence and alert providers when patients do not fill or pick up prescriptions.
3. Trigger Prescription Electronic Prior Authorizations
Medication adherence tools trigger electronic prior authorizations (PAs) for prescriptions in the e-prescribing software application. Electronic PAs simplify the medication prior authorization process when you integrate it into your EHR workflow.
During the e-prescribing process, the physician is notified of the PA requirements and can either select an alternative medication or submit the PA electronically from within the EHR.
4. Perform Real-time Prescription Benefit Checks for Price Transparency
The best e-prescribing tools display drug coverage and pricing for prescriptions before they are sent to the pharmacy. This lets the prescribing physician select the best drug and pharmacy options based on the patient’s formulary and insurance benefits.
5. Assist Patients with Financial Savings Programs
Financial prescription savings programs that appear once the prescription is in the review process assist patients with costs by incorporating savings programs into the e-prescribing EHR workflow. These programs appear once the prescription is in the review process.
For instance, when a drug is prescribed using MaximEyes and MaximEyes.com EHR’s e-prescribing module, PatientAdvisor reviews the prescription to determine if it is eligible for any savings program. Eligibility criteria might include drug, dose, days supply, previous fill history, and patient or prescriber demographics.
Suppose the drug has a coupon or copay savings program available and meets the eligibility criteria. In that case, the information necessary to process the saving program at the pharmacy is automatically appended to the electronic prescription. The prescriber sees any inserted financial savings information and its accompanying printable information on the prescription review screen.
6. Provide Patient Educational Resources
Educational resources available within the MaximEyes e-Prescribing module for patients are based on their active medications list, diagnoses, and lab orders. Search by a term or code, and the materials are automatically retrieved.
7. Improve Prescription Fill Rates with RxInform
Your optometry and ophthalmology e-prescribing software should provide a proven solution that improves prescription fill rates and boosts medication adherence by engaging your patients after their new prescriptions are sent to the pharmacy.
For instance, within minutes after the provider sends the e-prescription to the pharmacy using the MaximEyes bi-directional e-prescribing system, RxInform automatically sends a text message to the patient. This text message includes a link to a secure site designed to overcome key prescription abandonment barriers.
Your patients view financial assistance information, educational videos, and information on the prescribed medication. They also have the option to schedule a prescription pickup.
The notifications require no extra effort from the provider beyond prescribing the medication. DrFirst reports that with a patient satisfaction rate of over 90%, patients enjoy the experience.
Prescription notifications allow providers to reach patients beyond the exam room with helpful information encouraging medication adherence right from within the EHR e-prescribing workflow.
Two-Way E-Prescribing Empowers Eye Care Providers
When searching for an ophthalmology or optometry EHR software, verify that your EHR offers integrated, two-way electronic prescribing and medication adherence solutions. First Insight is proud to partner with DrFirst® Rcopia, an award-winning e-prescribing technology solution.
Request more information to see how MaximEyes.com EHR software and other practice management business tools offer the support you need to run an efficient and profitable practice so you focus more on your patients.
Current MaximEyes Customers Only: Email sales@first-insight.com or call 800.920.1940, ext. 6659, for more information on adding electronic prescribing and medication adherence tools to your MaximEyes and MaximEyes.com EHR system.